Hearts Together for Haiti
Together we can make a difference

Mission & Mandate

Dye mon gen mon. -Haitian Proverb
Beyond the mountain is another mountain.

This proverb describes the daily struggles faced by Haitians, and the fortitude and resilience required as they are met with one challenge after another.

Hearts Together for Haiti provides support to selected communities in Haiti in their self-determination efforts, as they work to build infrastructures and environments focusing on education, health, nutrition, water and sanitation, which will enhance the quality of life.

We work to provide villages with the tools they need to become healthy and self sufficient. Although Hearts Together for Haiti is based on Catholic values, our programs are based on need, and we will provide assistance regardless of religious affiliation.


2021 HTFH Telethon

Virtually Together for Haiti
Saturday, Feb 13

It is almost that time of the year when we would usually be getting together to help our friends in Haiti.

Like many other activities and events, our annual Hearts Together for Haiti Gala at Fogolar Furlan, where we usually come together to celebrate our beautiful Haitian/Canadian friendship, cannot happen this year.

This is especially devastating for the Haitian people because the country is struggling painfully with shortages of all goods (food, gasoline, and many other products) and prices are skyrocketing with no government intervention.

Although Hearts Together for Haiti cannot help as we usually do, we hope that you will support us in an alternative method of helping people who are truly in need.

On Saturday, February 13th at 6:00pm, Hearts Together for Haiti will be posting, on Facebook, a short presentation from our friends in Haiti.

Also, during that weekend (February 12 - 14) someone from Hearts Together for Haiti may contact you by phone with the hope that it will be possible for you to make a donation. You can make a donation right here through Paypal.

We hope that you will enjoy streaming our Haiti Video Presentation from the comfort of your home, and if you would like to accompany your Haitian video with some delicious Fogolar Furlan food, it will be possible to order a $15 dinner for that same evening.


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Registered Charity # 888011715RR0001

A School Called Hope

Click above to watch the movie: A School Called Hope   By: Editorial Edge.

A School Called Hope

Click above to watch the movie: A School Called Hope   By: Editorial Edge.

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