Calling all teachers!!!
Get involved by sharing a lesson plan for Mariflor.
Grade 6 Social Studies
Submitted by ‘Anonymous’
Students will explore the global community and Canada’s role in it. They will investigate current social, political, economic, and environmental issues, and develop their understanding of the importance of international action and cooperation.
EXPECTATIONS (according to the Ontario Curriculum)
B1.1 explain why Canada participates in specific international accords and organizations
B1.2 analyse responses of Canadian governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and individual citizens to an economic, environmental, political, and/or social issue of international significance
B2.1 formulate questions to guide investigations into global issues of political, social, economic, and/or environmental importance
B2.5 evaluate evidence and draw conclusions about global issues of political, social, economic, and/or environmental importance, their impact on the global community, and responses to the issues
1. Read the story of Mariflor. Stress that this is mostly a true story for many children in Haiti.
2. Conduct a class discussion on rights…what is a right? What are their rights? Compile a list.
Post the UN Convention of rights of a child
Think of Mariflor…which of her rights were violated?
3. Create 10 groups in the class. Have each group illustrate one of the rights for a bulletin board. Students present their posters as they relate to Mariflor.
4. Conduct a discussion…what can be done? Share the following article:
These are steps that are taken by UNICEF to combat the problem. What is the IBESR? How is the IBESR involved in tackling child slavery? How is Canada involved with the IBESR? Why do you think that the IBESR is currently shutting down many orphanages in Haiti? How can Canada become more involved in this issue? How can you become more involved?